#Javascript css html editor code#
Recovering the code from the last post, we need to declare a global variable of the class ESP8266WebServer and pass as argument of the constructor the port where the server will be listening for incoming HTTP requests. So, the most important part that we need to remember is that that we need to specify the handling function for each URL of our server. In order to create our webserver, we will use the exact same approach explained in the previous post, which explains all the details of setting the server. In this simple example, we will create an intro page in HTML, a page with Javascript code that will trigger an alert window when a button is clicked, and a page with a button styled with CSS. So, as we will see bellow, that code will be stored in strings that will be returned in the HTTP responses, pretty much the same way as we would do to return any other kind of content.
#Javascript css html editor how to#
This means that the ESP8266 doesn’t need to know how to interpret HTML, CSS or Javascript. In this example, since we are going to do HTTP requests from a web browser, it will be its responsibility to render the HTML and CSS and to execute the Javascript we will be serving. It’s important to take in consideration that HTML, Javascript and CSS are languages that are executed / rendered in the client side.

The objective of this post is to explain how to serve some HTML, Javascript and CSS in a ESP8266 HTTP webserver.